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Review page only | Bo Tkach Foundation
Under Every Helmet and Hat is a Child Who Needs Us!

Review page only


Online Donations

Donations by Mail.

Please make Checks payable to Bo Tkach Foundation.
Mail checks to:

William O’Gurek
228 W. Hazard St.
Summit Hill, PA 18250


The Bo Tkach Foundation Turkey Trot has been canceled due to COVID 19, but you can still Trot to your computer and donate $20 or more to purchase turkeys for needy families on behalf of the Bo Tkach Foundation. 

Donations of turkeys will be given to the local food pantry for December distribution.

Food donation boxes are also available at Hager Furniture (for public) and Dedicated Fitness (for gym members) to complete holiday meals.  We are asking for canned vegetables, instant mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy in cans, cranberry sauce, and cake mix with icing.  Donations can be dropped off at these locations for the month of November.

Scouts will also be on site at the Country Harvest on November 22nd and November 29th from 9am to 1pm to collect items.

Let’s keep the spirit of the Turkey Trot and our community alive this holiday season!

Eagle Scout Project, Billy Drake Troop 209


The BoTkach Under the Helmet and Hat Foundation offers its sincere appreciation to individuals, business and organizations for helping us promote healthier and happier lives of individuals and families in the Carbon County/Northwestern Lehigh County communities.

Since its inception in 2008, the Foundation has invested over $368,221* on our communities.

Counseling Services

Support Programs

Community Outreach

Athletic Support



*as of 2018